Friday, April 1, 2016

Jeremiah Ortega

Insult Poem

I wish I could tell you that I like how you dress
And I would but I can't get over your breath
I wish I could say that I admire your style
But getting past your hair might take me awhile

If I could I'd be nice and lie to your face
If not for the acne that's taking it's place
Image result for pimple faceI'd stop laughing if I could
But your face looks like wood

Your eyebrows are bushy like a tree
Not to be mean but you smell like pee
Your head is skinny just like a stick
Your mind is girly just like a chick

Your arms are furry like a bear
Your scary faves gives off a scare
Your voice sounds like a witch
Image result for hairy armsYou belong  to a hitch

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